Tuesday, December 15, 2015

FYI:  Here are the directions for the "letter to self" after you read "Teens who expect to die young…"

 Write a letter to your future self at 25 years old holding yourself accountable to your dreams.  Your letter must include a vision for what you want your life to be like at 25.  Where will you be living?  What will you be doing as a career?  What will you have already accomplished?  What do you hope to accomplish in the next 10 years between 25 and 35.  

Independent Reading Assignment 1

Click here to complete your first independent reading assignment:


Monday, December 7, 2015

DI - December 7 - December 8

DI - December 7 - December 8

Teacher Led: Finishing our worksheets from last class on Why Read Shakespeare and creating our promotional posters.

Activity 2:  Read these directions and then read the article below:
NewsELA - https://www.newsela.com/articles/teen-study/id/4078/

Activity 3:  Capitalization Practice on NoRedInk

Activity 4:  Finishing our worksheets from last class on Why Read Shakespeare and creating our promotional posters.

Monday, November 30, 2015