Monday, May 9, 2016

Essay Due Saturday 5/14 by Noon

Hello There-

Friday and Monday (5/6 and 5/9) we completed our Socratic Seminars on Language and Power in the Colonial Era.  Those seminars were designed to help you get ready to write your Language and Power essay.  That essay is due on Saturday, 5/14, at noon.  In case you missed it, here is the assignment below:

Now that you have completed your Socratic Seminar on Language and Power in the Colonial era, you will be responsible for demonstrating what you know about this topic in an essay.  You will need to go back to the texts, and also expand your knowledge by doing research where necessary, to answer one of the following questions in a 5 paragraph, informative essay.  Pick one of the following topics to write your essay about:

  • How have ethnic and racial groups used language as a tool to gain power over others?  What methods have they used to do this? 

  •  How does having another language forced on a person effect them personally? How does this change impact their identity development?
  • How does having another language imposed on a community make people feel about their own culture or language?
  • School has played a large role in our unit so far.  What role do school’s play in creating a cultural hierarchy?  What is their impact?

Informative With Research
  • How were aboriginals treated in Australia during colonization by the government?  How has their relationship with the government changed in modern times?
  • How have indigenous people resisted having another language imposed on them? Should oppressed people resist against this type of treatment?  

Argumentative with Research
  • How have Native American tribes worked to preserve their languages since colonialism?  Have their efforts been successful?
You must use proper MLA citations.  If you have a question about this, please ask or go to

You must pick your topic by next class and demonstrate progress on it by 5/10 and 5/11. 

Any sentence that is copied from the internet without a citation will earn you an automatic 0, F on the entire assignment. 

Your essay is due on Saturday, May 14 at noon, via email to 

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