Hello Everyone!
Welcome back and happy 2016 to each and every one of you.
Below are your DI assignments for the week of January 4th:
Teacher Led: Ms. Delicata will give you the worksheet! :)
Activity 2: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ad40wXUwNWXD0nbgW4YnWzBY2CS9P_Cvc6F8OtJ5Ekg/edit?usp=sharing
Email your finished product to delicata10ela@gmail.com
Activity 3: Read this Article - https://www.newsela.com/articles/lebron-activism/id/13932/
Then, answer the following question in an argumentative paragraph, using evidence from this article.
Open a GoogleDoc and type your answer.
Should activists try to force celebrities to get involved in their causes? Why or why not?
When you are finished, you can email it to delicata10ela@gmail.com
Activity 4: https://www.noredink.com on Subject / Verb Agreement
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